Terms of service for WorldTides
General terms of service
Usage of this website and API is governed by the general Terms of Service and Privacy Policy of Brainware LLC and the additional provisions stated below.
Additional Provisions
Last modified: November 14, 2017
The copyright message which is embedded in the copyright field of API responses must be reproduced in any site/app using this data. This message may vary depending on the source of the original data.
Alternatively below copyright message may be used which covers all sources if the link to http://www.worldtides.info/copyright is made accessible/clickable by the end user.
Tidal data retrieved from www.worldtides.info. Copyright © 2014-2025 Brainware LLC.
Licensed for use of individual spatial coordinates by an end-user.
You may not use this data if anyone or anything could come to harm as a result of using it (e.g. for navigational purposes).
Tidal data is obtained from various sources and is covered in part or whole by various copyrights. For details see: http://www.worldtides.info/copyright
Paid Services
If you enable billing for paid services, the following additional terms are applicable:
- You can pay for a certain number of API call in advance (prepaid) or for a monthly amount of calls (subscription).
- Payments are handled via PayPal. You also have to agree to the Paypal terms of service.
- Brainware LLC will keep track of the number of API calls that are made and associated fees.